Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Easy Chicken, Rice, and Veggies with Mandarins

Uncomplicated, easy meal--just what I like!

 2 frozen chicken breasts (sprayed with a little olive oil)
Place on a small oven-proof tray, fleshy part down)
Sprinkle with pepper.  (Add any seasonings of your choice)
Add a few chopped green onions as I did or you may add chopped white onion.
Place tray in Nuwave oven. Set timer for 13 minutes on high.

While chicken is baking, cook rice in rice cooker
 1 cup rice
Add  1/2 to 3/4 cups frozen mixed veggies
Add two cups liquid.  You may use water, broth, or do as I did.  I used one cup apple juice and one cup water. The timer will go off for this amount of rice in about 20 minutes.

The 13 minutes should be up with the chicken.
Turn chicken pieces over.
Sprinkle more green onions on top.
Set timer on Nuwave  for about 15 additional  minutes.

I did not add gravy or butter to the rice.

I opened a can of mandarins and drained them.  I thought that would be a way to get fruit and color!  Enjoy! Photo included of one plate.

I only had to wash one small pan  the chicken was cooked on in the Nuwave, rice cooker, plate and utensils.

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