Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ban Alcohol, Sugar, Cigarettes, Cars, Pets, Medicine, Food, ETC.!

Let's just ban it all and get it over with.  Any thing we do can offend someone, hurt someone, kill someone, pollute in one way or another, ruin health, ruin family, and all of the other reasons the ban lovers use to stop anything they can.

Don't worry about the illegal things we have already.  Don't even try to control that.  Let's see our police arresting anyone that smokes a cigarette, eats sugar, drinks alcohol, uses legal prescriptions,  in fact let's ban everything that's legal now.   Seems there is a drive on to legalize pot so I suppose the nasty cigarette smokers can change over to pot when it becomes legal so they can fry their brain. 

ANY THING can kill and be abused.  ANY THING can affect those around you.  It can offend, smell bad, pollute, change personalities, brain cells, health, some of them even cause people to have loose morals. ANY THING, in excess, can hurt people, family, community, and world. 

If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Work on what's already broken!

So, you don't smoke--let them stop it, you don't drink--let them stop it, you don't hunt--let them ban guns, you don't eat too much--however much that is--sugar or food so, let them stop that, you don't bag lunches, let them stop that, you don't have pets to cause allergies, so--let them stop that.  You don't wear perfume, so let them stop that, you don't drive, so let them regulate that to death, you don't take medicine, so let them stop writing rx's, you don't use health food herbs, so--let them stop that. You aren't religious, ban it.  The list goes on and on.  You DO use or enjoy something and they (the people determined to ban things that they don't do) will get to that, too.  If we don't care about the rights of other people--for them to KEEP the right of what's been legal and worked for years--then--they won't feel too bad when what you feel is important is taken away, too.  Don't you think all of this reverse discrimination, disguised under someone's rights but takes away your rights is a bit backwards?? Oh, well!  I'm just saying.

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  1. I'm very surprised that USA now wants Canada to legalize pot when they've always been quite snarky about our "loose" laws (I heard this on our local news last week). Go figure!

  2. It just amazes me that what is illegal will receive less enforcement and/or actually become legal. For example, the cigarette smoker could be arrested and the crack dealer around the corner keep on selling, the prostitutes keep on selling (and their John's keep on buying!), etc, all while the police are expected to chase down a simple cigarette smoker. It just doesn't make sense to me. I use the cigarette example since that is one of the most recent aggressive efforts to ban something that's legal.
